If you find something not right with your e-scooter DO NOT RIDE IT! This vehicle like any other can be dangerous if not running in good order. If you have a problem that is not easily fixed, call our service department immediately to schedule a service or inspection. Riding your bike when there are issues could void your warranty.
You should find that when you get your e-scooter the battery is fully or almost fully charged. If so do not try to charge your battery any further. Simply use your scooter until it gets to 5 or 10% and then charge the battery. You should never charge the battery for more than 7 hours and always do it in a cool dry place. Batteries should never be placed in hot sun . After your first charging cycle you can charge your battery as often as you like. If you intend on storing your scooter for a period of time. Be sure to charge the battery fully before you store it.
Depending on how often you use your e-scooter you may want to want to check your brakes for wear and tear. Your brakes are the most critical safety factor you have with your e-scooter, so make certain they are always in good working condition either by cleaning and checking your brake pads and rotors, checking brake line tension and fluid levels.
When storing your e-scooter, always unplug the battery and if possible store it in a cool dry place. Do not leave it charging when not in use. Because of salty air in the Bahamas is is a good idea to always spray down your e-scooter with WD 40 to keep the salt air from rusting the metal. If you decide to store your e-scooter outside, make in investment for a weather cover that will keep rain and dirt off your bike. You'll be happy you did.
NEVER! Ride your e-scooter without inspecting it first. Make sure your brakes are tight and insure that your handle bars are secure and not loose. If you notice anything that is not tightened on to the frame like fenders, please have them tightened as far as they can be to avoid issues while driving. If however you find and issue while you are on the road, be sure to always have a small tool kit provided with each bike that has Allen wrenches so that you can tighten what is needed. Failure to do so could result in damage to the bike/scooter.
We all know driving in the rain can be dangerous. This also applies ride scooters in the rain. Wet conditions may cause the bike to skid or lose control when brakes are applied suddenly. If you have to, drive slowly, avoid any deep pot holes that might submerge the bike and cause you to be thrown from it. Always always always wear your safety helmet and if you use this bike on public roads upgrade your helmet to a better one.
One of the many wonderful things about our e-scooters is they are almost silent. The only problem with that is other drivers may not hear you coming. If you intend to pass or if you see you are very close to another vehicle, use your horn to alert the other driver. Cars have blind spots which may cause you not to be easily seen. Always remember to wear your helmet.
We live in the islands which means the environment is salty. This can cause corrosion on your scooter. Be sure to regularly spray your e-scooter down with lubricating oil like WD-40. This will keep your bike looking fresh and new all the time.
Send us your suggestions on how you care for your e-scooter and we will share it with everyone.
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